Saturday, November 30, 2013

What a "Real" Man Thinks

My name is Hortensius and if you look at my sexual relations with men, I would be considered an active male. In Ancient Rome, a lot can be said about a man through his preference of position in sex. To be considered a real, true man, a man must be seen as impenetrable. This means that he would never be seen as someone who would have the passive role in sex. Come on Caecilius, don’t you want society to at least see you as a man. While you continue playing around letting men penetrate you that will never happen. I just don’t understand you. You know that if the officials find out that you choose to be the passive partner that they will fine you and you will lose any sort of societal respect. I am living during the high empire and those of us who tamper with the most obvious parts of masculinity in the presentation of ourselves are asking for moral criticism because we are messing with the privilege of being a male. Haven’t you seen what Cato and Domitian have done to the free men who allowed themselves to be penetrated? Cato ridiculed men who took the passive role publicly and Domitian expelled any senators for acting as effeminates. At least you guys stay in the Molly Houses. All of us normal men don’t understand your impure lifestyle so at least you all hang out together. My piece here is short, but remember, to be a respected man in Roman society, you don’t let yourself get penetrated by another man. You just don’t do it. While people like Caecilius exist, society does not accept them because being a free man and playing the passive role is just unacceptable. Besides, there are plenty of slaves to go around anyway and you may as well just use one of those.

I even think this is inappropriate

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